The new Operations Centre is part of a larger redevelopment of City of Surrey’s main Works Yard, encompassing fleet and staff parking, storage facilities, a decanting facility, vehicle and equipment wash bays, enhanced vehicle and pedestrian circulation, and improvements to an adjacent natural watercourse. The Operations and Administration Centre provides a welcoming civic face to the entire Works Yard. The form of the new buildings features a simple arrangement of blocks, finished in glazed curtain wall and composite metal panels with faceted accents in clear cedar cladding. High performance fritted glazing provides protection from excessive sunlight glare and heat gain. Green roofs temper the heat island effect and provide an outdoor amenity to administration and operations staff.
Surrey Main Operations Centre and Works Yard
- Location Surrey, BC
- Size 10,145 ms
- Budget $45M
- Completed 2015
- Developer/Client City of Surrey
- Architect Taylor Kurtz Architecture Design Inc.
- Our Roles LEED Project Management
Sustainability Consulting
Energy Modeling - Green Building Certification Status LEED Silver Certified