Recollective offers consulting services in three distinct but complementary areas.

Sustainability Certifications
Passive House
As Certified Passive House consultants, we can explore the feasibility of Passive House for your project as well as full-service certification. We have experience working on a wide range of Passive House projects, from single-family homes to large-scale residential, mixed-use, and institutional buildings.
We facilitate and manage the LEED certification process in a proactive, strategic and systemized way. Our experience with over 200 LEED projects covers all Rating Systems, including LEED-NC, LEED-CI, LEED-CS, LEED-EB:O&M, LEED-ND, and LEED for Homes.
City of Vancouver Green Buildings Policy
Recollective consultants have successfully managed a wide range of projects through rezoning application process with the City of Vancouver to meet the Green Building Policy. Whether it is Low Emissions Building or Near Zero Emissions Building, we help your project meet the sustainability requirements and get the Urban Design Panel’s support.
WELL and Fitwel
Human health and wellbeing is an important part of built-environment sustainability. Recollective offers a wide range of health and wellness consulting services such as Well and Fitwel to improve the indoor environmntal quality of buildings, through air, water, light, fitness, comfort and mind.
Feasibility Study
Prior to embarking on a project seeking green building certification such as Zero Carbon, LEED, Passive House, Fitwel or BOMA BESt, we can provide a cost-effective study of the likelihood of certification, along with design impacts, estimated costs and next steps.

Energy & Carbon Analysis
Zero Carbon Building
Our expert green building strategists will help your project achieve zero carbon emission through CaGBC’s Zero Carbon Building Standard. It is Canada’s first green building program to make carbon emissions the key indicator for building performance. This enforces the importance of energy efficiency, while also making us think carefully about the types of energy we use and encouraging more renewable energy generation both on and off the building site. We perform a zero carbon analysis for your project and provide a work plan to meet the Zero Carbon Building Standard.
Embodied Carbon and LCA
We are proficient in conducting embodied carbon analysis and Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and provide practical and cost-effective solutions to reduce the embodied carbon footprint of buildings. We have conducted LCA studies for over 75 buildings across Canada. LCA allows teams to identify the environmental impact of various building design options and consider embodied carbon in the decision-making process.
Step Code
We can provide turn-key solutions for getting your project cost-effectively through the BC Step Code
Energy Modeling and Analysis
More than just a requirement of LEED and Step Code, energy modelling is also a very powerful tool in informing the design of a building and the cost and energy effectiveness of various energy conservation strategies. We conduct building simulations to assist design teams in analyzing cost-effective building designs, and make recommendations to improve building performance in terms of energy, thermal comfort, daylighting, and natural and mechanical ventilation.
Energy Benchmarking
Energy benchmarking is the process of tracking and recording energy performance of a building over time. To manage energy consumption of a building, it must be measured first. The energy performance data can help building owners and property managers to identify opportunities to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions.

Facilitation, Research & Planning
Sustainability Workshop
We are known in the industry for our creative, high energy, results-oriented and fun approach to charrette design and facilitation. Whether its for a program, a product, a building, a community, or an experience, our innovative approach brings stakeholders together in a collaborative environment to co-create clever and practical sustainable design solutions with clear next steps.
Master Planning
We are experts in master planning and sustainable urban development and have worked on development and redevelopment of more than 100 acres of large sites across Metro Vancouver.
Climate Resilience Analysis and Modeling
Recollective offers comprehensive services to plan and adapt to climate change, enabling resilience in buildings and communities. We can follow established frameworks such as Mobilizing Building Adaptation and Resilience (MBAR), Integrated Building Adaptation and Mitigation Assessment (IBAMA), or create a custom-made resilience plan for your projects.
Corporate Sustainability and ESG
Corporate sustainability is an approach aiming to create long-term stakeholder value through the implementation of an environmental friendly strategy for doing business. The strategies created are intended to foster longevity, transparency and highlight coropotate’s climate action plans. We can help your organization with ESG assessment, benchmarking, development, monitoing and improvement of a custom made plan and roadmap.
Green Incentives
Increasingly governments, utilities, and NGO’s are introducing incentive funds to encourage more green development. We are aware of these funds and can help you get “free money” for your green developments.