LEED 2009 Project Contractor Timeline

Date : October 21, 2015

Over the years, Recollective has had the opportunity to work with some of the best contractors in the Metro Vancouver area. As we refined our process of assisting these contractors contribute to more sustainable buildings through construction practices, one of main areas of frustration was the documentation of LEED® credits. We have worked to develop a number of strategies and tools (including this cool video!) to make the contractor’s life easier in this regard. In the spirit of our core value of collaboration and continuing our legacy of open source sharing, we thought we’d share the Contractor LEED Timeline we developed with everyone.

The LEED timeline aims to turn documentation into a visual record that is more familiar to contractors and easier to digest, while making sure that LEED documentation isn’t missed during the construction process. We hope you find it as useful as some of our collaborators have, and welcome any feedback that will help us make the world a more sustainable place.

As always, we share these resources openly, but appreciate credit being given if you’re going to be using them in your own work.

Click here to download the full PDF version.
